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PR professionals

Visualising the future of PR industry

The future of the PR industry is likely to be shaped by a number of factors, including the increasing use of technology, the changing media landscape, and shifts in the way that businesses and organizations communicate with the public.…

Will AI replace PR jobs in the next 20 years?

The field of public relations (PR) has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the rise of social media and the increasing importance of digital communication. While the profession has adapted to these changes, some experts are…

Do PR professionals earn competitive salaries?

Public relations, often abbreviated as PR, is a field that focuses on promoting and maintaining a positive public image for individuals, businesses, and organizations. It involves creating and maintaining relationships with the media, as…

This could be the exciting future of public relations

The future of public relations looks bright, with the continued growth and evolution of technology playing a major role in shaping the industry. With the rise of social media and the increasing importance of online brand reputation, public…

Bollywood PR industry HAMMERED due to Coronavirus

Courtesy: Business Upturn article: PR offices are shut. Staff is restless. Salaries delayed. Undercutting rampant. Clients…

7 things all PR pros should do before going solo

Courtesy: Ragan's PR Daily Public relations is projected to be one of the top 10 occupations by 2022, and there are plenty of career options. PR pros can work for a corporation, an agency, a non-profit, a startup or a small business. my wife gets her pussy eaten.

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